Posted on 6/30/2022

The 4th of July is more than just a US holiday; it is an iconic symbol of pride, joy, and freedom. Every year, many Americans take this holiday to celebrate with their loved ones. Whether you plan to stay in town or travel far and wide, we want you to be careful this Independence Day. With high volumes of traffic, you need to follow these steps to stay safe: Avoid Distractions - From cell phones, and loud passengers, to the radio, there are many distractions that you need to zone out from this holiday. Out of all of these, your phone is the most dangerous of all. If you have an incoming text or call, wait until you’re away from the wheel to handle it. Time Your Travel Better - To lower your likelihood of being stuck in traffic, we recommend that you plan ahead. It has been shown that it is better to get on the highway early in the morning over the busy traffic times of 3-8 PM. Follow the Law - You know the rules: no speeding, no texting and driving, buckle up, and don’t ... read more
Posted on 6/27/2022

Photo by on Unsplash Tailgate Recipes To Get You Ready For Independence Day Have you got your plans figured out for Independence Day yet? You don’t need to do anything fancy to make some great memories with families and friends. All you need is your tailgate, good music, and some great food! Tailgating is an excellent and easy way to enjoy the Huntington Beach weather. It’s also an opportunity to show off your cooking skills. There are tons of cooking hacks to keep your food hot and fresh, whether you’re preparing it at home or on a small grill in the parking lot! Hot dogs and burgers are an easy classic, but don’t let that stop you from getting creative. Here are some of our favorite recipes for tailgating in 2022: Bacon Jalapeno Macaroni and Chee ... read more
Posted on 6/20/2022

Photo by Anja on Unsplash Summer’s Here; Time To Check Your A/C We’re pretty lucky here in Huntington Beach: we experience paradise like temperatures year-round. Summer in Cali has arrived, and it’s making things pretty warm. We’re only halfway through the summer, so it might be time to check the status of your A/C. Maybe you’ve already taken your summer road trip, or you’ve got a few coming up. Things will only get hotter, and if you’re a Huntington Beach local, you know the Summer goes on and on. It’s a pain to drive around with a broken A/C, and sometimes minor fixes prevent you from needing more significant fixes down the line. You should bring your car in right away if: There’s no airflow through your A/C. Something is wrong if you turn your fans all the way up and the air isn't coming through.  ... read more
Posted on 6/13/2022

Photo by Deniz Demirci on Unsplash Why Detailing A Car Is So Important When was the last time you gave your vehicle a little TLC? Many of us have a weekly cleaning ritual, where we scrub out the fridge drawers and make sure to dust all the mantels. However, so few of us do the same for our cars, and we’re in them every day! Adding your car to your next cleaning ritual will have numerous benefits for you and your vehicle. What Detailing Means in Terms of Your Vehicle Detailing is just a fancy term for getting into your car and doing a deep clean, the same way you might your kitchen or bathroom. It does mean "clean", but in a sense, it means much more. Think about how you may “detail” your home: maybe you don’t clean the oven or scrub the baseboards every weekend, but these are still essential tasks that need priority every once and a while. Clea ... read more
Posted on 6/6/2022

Photo by Mira Kireeva on Unsplash Your Alignment FAQs Answered Your car's alignment is one of those things–when it’s off, you can just tell. Some people realize that their vehicle has some alignment issues as soon as they pull out of the driveway, especially if they’re in the vehicle every day. However, even though you can feel that alignment being off, you may not know what this means and how high of a priority it is for your vehicle. The Basics of An Alignment Many auto shops will use the terms alignment, tire alignment, and suspension alignment interchangeably. Regardless, your alignment is going to adjust the suspension of your vehicle. If these are out of alignment, you put pressure on other joints and points of your car. That’s one of the reasons alignment is so important: an improperly aligned set of wheels can affect every other part of your c ... read more