Posted on 10/8/2021

We're all aware of how great the state of California is - it is the "Golden State," after all. It is the most populated state in the US with roughly 40 million residents, and a populated state means lots of cars. With that many cars, the pollution in the area can be detrimental. To minimize vehicle emissions, California instated a rule requiring most vehicles to go through a smog check to better the air quality. The air we breathe is precious, and everyone should do their part to ensure clean air for generations to come. The Smog Check Program has proven to reduce air pollution over the last several decades. Smog checks are intended to identify cars with high levels of emissions and have them fixed to be more efficient. If you reside in Huntington Beach, CA, passing a smog test is required if you want to register your vehicle. What Vehicles Require a Smog Check? The rule states that every gasoline-powered car, alternative fuel vehicle, and hybrid ... read more
Posted on 10/1/2021

Photo by S. Hermann & F. Richter on Pixabay October is one of our favorite months of the year. Lots of significant events happen in October. There’s Fall Carnivals, Halloween, and there’s a deluge of incredible sporting events, including baseball, soccer, football on the national, collegiate, and local high school scale, and more. It’s a great month, and it ramps up into winter very quickly. In case you didn’t know, getting your brakes repaired this month is a good idea. The winter season is quickly approaching, and events are in motion that will make your brakes incredibly important. There are three other significant reasons why October is the best month to get your brakes repaired. School’s back in session. With kids running home from school again, you need to watch out for sudden surprises on the road. If your brakes are starting to fade, a need for a sudden stop could turn deadly. Give yourself and the kids in your area eve ... read more