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Time For A Tire Check
STOP! You have reached a tire checkpoint. Are your wheels doing okay?
Summer is a hazardous season for car tires, though we might not think about it that way. We worry about our tread during the winter, where slick roads may make our cars slide around. But the summer is notorious for scorching hot asphalt and long road-trips. As you can imagine, scorching hot asphalt is not ideal for already worn tires.
Checking Your Own Tires
You’ll want to bring your car to a professional if your tires are worn. But how will you know? Here are four tips for checking your own tires:
Look for wear and tear. If you have visible wear and tear on your tires, this should be your sign to immediately go to a professional. A nail sticking out of your tire isn’t going to get any better.
Check the tread. Tread only gets worse on hot asphalt. Use the “penny test” to see if your tread is an issue. Grab a penny and put it in (not on) the tread of your tires. If you can see Lincoln’s face, your tread is low, and it might be time for a new set.
Check tire pressure. Tire pressure is often overlooked, especially if you have a car that will warn you when your tire pressure is low. We don’t want to fix a tire pressure issue when the pressure is too low for the car to function and the problem can’t be fixed. It may sound tedious, but you should observe your tire pressure before every drive!
Check the last time you did maintenance. Even if you do everything right, tires need maintenance. They need to be rotated, patched, and replaced. It may be time to set something up if it’s been a while since your last check-up.
Don’t let these four things be your only check-ups, though. You’re in your vehicle nearly every day for several hours. Trust your gut if something doesn’t feel right.
Find A Problem? We Can Help!
Did your tire checkpoint alert you of some issues? Come see us at HB Auto and AC. We offer a full range of repair services on numerous vehicles. We invite you to schedule vehicle maintenance with us to show your car some love. Like us on Facebook for news and updates!